work two full time jobs
By Nathaniel | April 10, 2022 | 0 Comments

Can we work two full-time jobs? Tips and Tricks

Working two full-time jobs can be a daunting task. Juggling work and home life can be a challenge, but it is doable with the right tips and tricks. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that can help you balance two full-time jobs successfully!

Working a full-time job is tough but two jobs can be twice as tough. Here are some tips on how to manage:

Create a Schedule

One of the most important things you can do when working two full-time jobs is to create a schedule and stick to it. This will help you keep track of your commitments and make sure you are getting enough rest.

Communicate with Your Employers

It is important to communicate with your employers about your situation. They need to be aware of your commitments and be understanding of your schedule. If possible, try to work out a flexible schedule with them that can accommodate your needs.

Take Breaks When You Can

Working a second job means you will have less free time, but it is important to take breaks when you can. This will help you avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Find Support

Working two jobs can be tough, so it is important to find support from family and friends. They can offer emotional support and help with things like childcare or household tasks.

Working two full-time jobs can be challenging, but it is possible to balance both with some careful planning and communication. By talking to your employers, taking breaks when you can, and finding support from family and friends, you can make it work.

Do you have any tips for balancing two full-time jobs? Share them in the comments below!

What constitutes a full-time job?

What constitutes a full-time job?

Technically legal issues between state laws and workers can get a bit murky, but the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) offers some clarity. According to the WHD, a full-time job is defined as one that requires at least 35 hours of work per week.

However, this can vary depending on your industry, employer business, and position. Some salaried employees may be paid for full-time hours even if they don’t work a traditional 40-hour week.

Working full-time jobs can be challenging, but it can be done with proper planning and support. If you have multiple full-time jobs and work 80 hours a week or more, you may need to make some adjustments to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Having a second full-time job is most common for people who are self-employed or have a side hustle in addition to their primary job.

But there are some people who work two full-time jobs because they need the income from both positions to make ends meet.


Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division

Family and Medical Leave Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

Communication goes a long way

The first rule when you have more than just one job is to make sure that you’re meeting all of your obligations to each employer.

That means showing up on time, completing your work assignments, and not calling in sick unless you’re sick. You should also be honest with your employers about the fact that you have more than one job. While it’s not required that you tell them, it can help to avoid any potential scheduling conflicts down the road.

If you’re working two full-time jobs, there’s a good chance that you’re not going to have a lot of free time. That’s why it’s important to make the most of your free time and use it to relax and recharge. Try to take at least one day off each week where you can relax and do something you enjoy. And when you’re at work, make sure to take breaks when you can and try to avoid working overtime if possible.

There is such as thing as too much work! If you’re finding that you’re struggling to balance two full-time jobs, it’s important to reach out for help.

Understanding employment contracts

Your employment contract could be more complicated than you think. the current employment contract that even white-collar workers from wall street journal and tech companies use are becoming more and more out of date.

There are a few key things to look for in the employment contract that can help you balance two full-time jobs:

– The number of hours you’re expected to work each week: This should be clearly stated in your contract so you know how many hours you’re expected to work at each job. If it’s not stated, make sure to ask your employer.

– The number of vacation days you’re entitled to: This can be a great way to reduce your workload if you have two full-time jobs. By taking advantage of your vacation days, you can take some time off from one or both jobs.

– The number of sick days you’re entitled to: This can also be a great way to reduce your workload if you have two full-time jobs. By taking advantage of your sick days, you can take some time off from one or both jobs.

You may have to choose between your main job and your second job

There’s can also be a conflict of interest if you have two full-time jobs. For example, if you’re a full-time employee of Company A and you’re also employed by Company B on a part-time basis, there can be a conflict of interest if the companies compete with each other.

At-will employment is when you can be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason, as long as it’s not an illegal reason. Most full-time jobs in the United States are at-will employment. Employment contracts can offer some protections that at-will employment doesn’t, such as specifying the length of your employment, your job duties, and how you can be terminated.

If there isn’t implied lifetime employment anymore, can we work two full-time jobs?

The answer is yes, you can work two full-time jobs, but it may not be the best idea. An employment attorney can say if your job requires you to be at will. They can also tell you if you can work two full-time jobs.

You can also talk to your boss or human resources department about your ability to work two full-time jobs.

Pros and cons of having two jobs

The pros and cons of having multiple jobs can depend on the person. Some people may like the extra income from a second job, while others may find it difficult to balance two full-time jobs.

Some pros of having two jobs can include:

Extra income: This can be helpful if you are trying to save money or pay off debt.

More experience: You can gain more experience by working in different fields or industries.

Flexibility: You may have more flexibility with your schedule if you can work two jobs.

Some cons of having two jobs can include:

Less time: You may have less time for your personal life if you are working two jobs.

More stress: Balancing two jobs can be stressful and can lead to burnout.

Less money: You may not make as much money working two jobs as you would working one full-time job.

If you are considering taking on a second job, it is important to weigh the pros and cons to see if it is the right decision for you.

Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it

Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it

Whether you just started a new job or if you own business, you want to be organized to be successful. Scheduling was first created back in the 18th century by a French mathematician named Gaspard de Prony.

Scheduling can help you to:

-Get more sleep

-Earn more money

-Have less stress

-Live a healthier lifestyle

Creating and following a schedule can help to make sure that you are getting enough rest, eating healthy meals, and spending time on activities that you enjoy.

It can be difficult to find a balance between work, life, and your side hustle, but it is possible. By following these tips and tricks, you can successfully manage two full-time jobs without letting anything suffer.

Set priorities and figure out what’s most important to you

Your other job is only going to make you have to focus that much harder on your side hustle so having your priorities in order is key.

The easiest way to figure out what’s important to you and make a list of your priorities is to use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. This decision matrix was created by former President Eisenhower and can be used to help you figure out what’s most important and what can wait.

Label each task as either “important” or “unimportant.” Then, label each task as either “urgent” or “not urgent.” Tasks that are both important and urgent should be done first, followed by the important and not urgent tasks, then the unimportant and urgent tasks, and finally the unimportant and not urgent tasks.

Understanding what’s most important to you, can help you better manage your time and find a balance between your two jobs.

Take advantage of your down time – nap, read, relax

They say that sleep is for the weak, but that’s not necessarily true. Getting a good night’s sleep can help improve your focus and productivity during the day. If you can’t get enough sleep at night, try to take a nap during your lunch break or after work.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, taking some time for yourself can help you be more productive at work. Relaxing and rejuvenating can help reduce stress, which can improve your focus and concentration.

Many employees with two remote jobs or part-time jobs get on average about six hours of sleep a night. This can lead to grogginess, irritability, and a lack of focus. Allowing yourself some time to relax can help reduce stress and improve your productivity.

Remote jobs usually have the advantage when it comes to downtime but having two remote jobs thats on a per-project basis with regular intervals or milestones to meet will give you low expectations for remote work. In the same industry, remote workers and co-workers at other sites can be a great resource for finding a flexible job that can work with your schedule.

The most important key to success is good time management and organization. This can mean setting alarms, using a planner, or keeping a to-do list.

Delegate tasks whenever possible

Your one job might ask you in corporate emails to continue working but you have two meetings coming up that are important to your career and your one employer should be paying two salaries for the amount of work to do.

If you can’t do it all, don’t be afraid to ask for help or two laptops

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Employers no matter the company, always appreciate other employees delegating for the betterment of the company. If you can’t handle everything that’s being asked of you, it’s better to ask for help than to let things fall through the cracks.

Delegating first became popular when it was used in the military back in the early years of the United States. The word “delegate” comes from the Latin word delegatus, meaning “to send away.”

In business, delegation is key to successful time management. By assigning tasks to others, you can focus on more important things, like closing deals or bringing in new clients.

But how do you delegate without seeming like your dumping your work on someone else?

Here are a few tips:

– Be clear about what needs to be done. Give your team member a list of tasks and deadlines.

– Set expectations. Let them know how often you’ll need updates and when the project is due.

– Check-in. Delegating doesn’t mean you can forget about the task. Check in with your team member to make sure they’re on track.

By following these tips, you can learn to delegate like a pro! And with a little practice, you’ll be able to balance two full-time jobs with ease.

Keep a positive attitude, even when things get tough

The most successful companies in the free market that pay their employees the least are the ones with the happiest employees. At the end of the day, it’s not about the money. It’s about finding a company whose values you can buy into and making the most of your situation.

A positive attitude is so powerful and important to a career. For example, if you can’t stand your current job, ask yourself what can you do to make the situation better. If there’s nothing you can do, then it might be time to start looking for a new opportunity. But always remember, a positive attitude can go a long way!

Research has shown us that keeping a positive mentality actually can lead to better health outcomes. So, not only will a positive attitude help your career, but it can also improve your overall health!

So there you have it – some tips and tricks on how to balance two full-time jobs. If you keep a positive attitude, do your research, and be mindful of your time management, you can make it work! Good luck and if you want to know when to look for remote jobs or a new job, check out our other article!

Don’t forget to leave any tips or tricks on how to balance two full-time jobs! Let us know in the comments below!

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